diumenge, 14 de juny del 2015


My sister is an 8-year-old girl who likes to much play.Looks a lot like to me, and is a girl who is very well behaved, seems mischievous, sometimes it is, but is good girl. He was born on 27 October 2006, it gave us a great joy since we were only my brother and I.Paula is called and is a very pretty girl.Paula is called and is a very pretty girl.She likes the pampering, many more better. My sister always crying is always there. The want a lot


He is my only love. 7 months have been together, and we want very much.We spent time together and whenever we are together we we do not stop be silly, we like to make us laugh to the other.He is a great guy who knows how to behave and how to deal with me.We want.. 
He is a year and a half older than me and we still like to be silly.I never thought that you could both love a guy, it is a nice feeling, sometimes not so much, but normally we make the relationship the best.He is a guy that I never thought I would be with him, but now that I see it every day I can imagine a life with him.


My friends are very important for my. For me are like family, are with you whenever you need them. I don't have many, nor do I need so many, I have sufficient, and with that it is enough for me. They love me as I am, and I them equal. Before me involved more with them, now not so much, but we are still friends forever and always. When I'm out of place when I can't find me well they always are there. Provided that we are, we always get to laugh.We like to laugh, we like to have a good time. I love to be with them.


I it I gift my boyfriend my mobile . Before a mobile phone had very little, and then he wanted me to buy the samsung S5 galaxy. It is an extraordinary mobile, it works wonders. Actually I never thought that I would have it. My mobile is very important to me, is something Grand, something special, something that I very much appreciate. I have the feeling that I have to take care of it as if it were my child, because it is a very precious gift for my. When gift me it not thought to be true, because it was a mobile, expensive and also big and beautiful. Almost cry of emotion because I could not believe it. It was great that day.

dissabte, 6 de juny del 2015


My mother, for me it is essential, because without it, would not be who I am. She is like me, it is very good, very unique woman, my only best friend.She has a big heart but is weak, and sometimes it can be strong, but does not always hold. I know she wants me more than anything in this world and I will protect as to anyone. She is part of my world since the first day in which I was born.


My father is the best I have. When I was little, he was a Superman, which always helped me, that was always there, all, currently I still thinking about it. He is a man with strong character and strong, but he has a big heart, very large. At first glance it seems that it's scary, but it is one of the world's greatest people. My father is one of the best men I have ever known, is always there when you need, and always tells me that I want, and it will always be there. I like it when I say that this proud of my.


My reading is sacred, since, to me read is life. I don't have any preference of ellibre, I just like reading, any more than the other, but I like it, my reading for me, is something that happens to me on a different world in a unique world, where we're just my book and i. I would love to read at all hours, that I just had to worry about where is my book, and nothing else, that my life, were simply reading, but there are other things to do, and that you have to worry about. Read to me is a passion, energy, life gives me, sometimes I feel identified, and sometimes sentimental, I start to read sad things. I am a fan of reading.


On the day of the Comunio my sister was a very special day for all, especially for my sister. It was a day that we put together with the whole family, and that was an advantage. We were all very happy to this day as especila for it.When we ended up in the Church, to the lunch time, we laugh a lot. Everyone was shaken up with your partner, and we were all happy. With the front table that had began to make war, to see who won and had more kids. It was a lot of fun. When we finished eating and it was the time to make the desserts, both his brothers, osigui, Victor and i, we bring you the cake on your desktop and we applaud.
After the toast, laughing and talking, and passarnos, we decided to go to take something. We went to the campsite where he is my father, and there too we pass well. We play pool, we laughed, we talked, and then all together we went to do a lap to look like were working. Finally some leave in your home, and other we go home to make dinner, it was a spectacular day.



My first trip in motorbike was two months ago. Upload  is an indescribable sensation, because you feel free, and all your problems disappear. This trip did not last long, only a 10-minute. I thought that it would be okay to drive it, and I would like to. Once uploaded to the moto, I started to start the bike and drive it, but no hurry. At the beginning I was afraid of falling. but there it was, my great Assistant, my boyfriend.When I was about to fall, it was there, where you needed. at that time I spent very afraid.
This was my first trip on a motorbike.

dilluns, 18 de maig del 2015


My gift. Is something that I did not expect. It is a necklace of hour, perfect and beautiful.It is an advance birthday gift. What I like about this gift, is the person who has given it to me. The pendant is a heart where this written your name and our date. By my that hanging means a lot, more than he had imagined, is very important for my.
Form part of my life.

dijous, 7 de maig del 2015


1. Where are you from?

I'm from Scotland

2. How did you get here?

By aircraft

3.Why are you in Barcelona?


4. Are you traveling with family or friends?


5.You've visited so far?

However, because this is the last day

6.What do you like most about Barcelona?

Holy Family

7.Is there anything you do not like?


8.Have you bought any gifts?

Not yet

9.For whom?

For something

10.Do you know a word in Catalan or Spanish?

Thanks, Paella, not much

11.Do you see any difference for you country?


12.Would you recommend to your family or friends? Will you come back again?

Yes, yes.

1.Where are you from?

From Glasshood, Scotland

2.Is the first time you're in Spain?

Firt time in Barcelona, but in Spain many times

3.Why are you in Barcelona?

For small holiday

4.You've visited so far?

Cathedral, Sagrada Familia

5.What do you like most about Barcelona?

School children. That is a good city for walking.

6.Do you know a word in Catalan or Spain?

Very small, beer fabor

7.Have you bought any gifts?


8.For whom?

For my daughter

9.Do you think that Barcelona is expensive?

Not bad

10.Do you take a lot of pictures?


11.Have you heard of the proces of Catalan for Independence?

Yes, because they want Indepence Scotland too.

12.Will you come back again?

I think so. Yes.

1.Where are you from?

I am a United States, so in New Jersey

2.Is the first time you're in Spain?


3.Why are you in Barcelona?

For a short holiday

4.Are you traveling with family or friends?


5.What do you like most about Barcelona?

The buildings are quite beautiful

6.Have you bought any gifts?

Not yet

7.Do you know a word in Catalan or Spain?


8.Have you tried a typical Spanish or Catalan food?

There will still

9.Do you think that Barcelona is expensive?

Not really

10.Do you see any difference in your country?

That's nice, it is the same, but have a kind of differences

11.Will you come back again?

Most like to himself

1.Where are you from?


2.Is the first time you're in Spain?


3.Why are you in Barcelona?


4.How long are you going to stay here?

Four days

5.Are you traveling with family or friends?


6.You've visited so far?

Nothing yet.

7.What do you like most about Barcelona?


8.Do you know a word in Catalan or Spanish?

No. Hola

9.Have you tried some typical Spanish and Catalan food?


10.Do you think that Barcelona is expensive?


11.Will you come back again?


divendres, 17 d’abril del 2015



This image show happiness, in my opinion. I see the eternity and tow hands together.
When i see the photo i feel freedom inside my heart.
And the ring represents the commitment.
This picture represents the love i feel for my boyfriend. It is from Barcelona, Castelldefels.
In this city was born my oncle. 

divendres, 10 d’abril del 2015



A kitchen table in Donetsk, on 26 August, a day on which several districts of the city came under artillery fire from government troops. Protests in February had toppled Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych from power, and installed the pro-European Petro Poroshenko as president. Separatists in the largely Russian-speaking east of the country demanded greater autonomy and stronger links with Russia.

In April, rebels seized government buildings and established self-proclaimed people’s republics in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Pro-Russian separatists in Donetsk later asked Moscow to deploy troops in the area and consider absorbing eastern Ukraine into Russia. Clashes between government and separatist forces over the ensuing weeks resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. Russia conducted a number of military exercises near the Ukrainian border, while Ukraine and NATO officials accused Russia of arming the rebels and invading Ukrainian territory with military units and personnel, a claim that Moscow denied.


Una taula de la cuina a Donetsk, el 26 d'agost, un dia en què diversos districtes de la ciutat va quedar sota foc d'artilleria de les tropes governamentals. Les protestes al febrer ha enderrocat el líder ucraïnès Víktor Ianukóvitx del poder, i instal·lat el pro-europeu Petro Poroshenko com a president. Separatistes a l'est en gran part de parla russa del país van exigir una major autonomia i vincles més estrets amb Rússia.
A l'abril, els rebels es van apoderar dels edificis del govern i repúbliques establerts autoproclamats de la gent en les regions orientals de Donetsk i Luhansk. Separatistes pro-russos a Donetsk més tard demana Moscou de desplegar tropes a la zona i considerar que absorbeix l'est d'Ucraïna a Rússia. Els enfrontaments entre el govern i les forces separatistes en les setmanes que van seguir van resultar en baixes en ambdós costats. Rússia va dur a terme una sèrie d'exercicis militars prop de la frontera amb Ucraïna, mentre que les autoritats d'Ucraïna i de l'OTAN van acusar Rússia d'armar els rebels i envair el territori d'Ucraïna amb unitats i personal militar, l'afirmació que Moscou va negar.



dijous, 19 de març del 2015


That movie is beautiful. This film is based on real events. It is the story of a young couple.Talk about an accident, they had three months ago, in which she had no belt.The cause of her exit triggered by the windshield.It, Leo is wounded and she loses consciousness completely.Then a few days she wakes up with Leo, in the hospital. They begin to talk and John realizes that Paige does not recognize it. Leo does not assimilate the situation in which it is located. M   onths pass and she still does not remember anything. Leo will be possible so that Paige remembers it.

divendres, 13 de març del 2015


You're on the phone 
with your girlfriend 
she's upset 
she's going off about 
something that you said 
she doesn't get your humor 
like i do 

i'm in my room 
it's a typical tuesday night 
i'm listening to the kind of music 
she doesn't like 
she'll never know your story 
like i do 

but she wears short skirts 
i wear t-shirts 
she's cheer captain 
and i'm on the bleachers 
dreaming about the day 
when you wake up and find 
that what you're looking for 
has been here the whole time 

if you could see 
that i'm the one 
who understands you 
been here all along 
so why can't you 
see you belong with me 
you belong with me. 

walking the streets 
with you and your worn out jeans 
i can't help thinking 
this is how it ought to be 
laughing on a park bench 
thinking to myself 
hey, isn't this easy? 

and you've got a smile 
that could light up this whole town 
i haven't seen it in awhile 
since she brought you down 
you say you're fine 
i know you better than that 
hey whatchu doing 
with a girl like that 

she wears high heels 
i wear sneakers 
she's cheer captain 
i'm on the bleachers 
dreaming about the day 
when you wake up and find 
that what you're looking for 
has been here the whole time 

if you could see 
that i'm the one 
who understands you 
been here all along 
so why can't you 
see you belong with me 
standing by and 
waiting at your backdoor 
all this time 
how could you not know 
you belong with me 
you belong with me. 


oh, i remember 
you driving to my house 
in the middle of the night 
i'm the one who makes you laugh 
when you know you're about to cry 
and i know your favorite songs 
and you tell me about your dreams 
think i know where you belong 
think i know it's with me 

can't you see 
that i'm the one 
who understands 
been here all along 
so why can't you see? 
you belong with me. 

have you ever thought 
just maybe 
you belong with me?

Estás en El Teléfono, con tu novia 
ella this molesta 
Le pasa algo con Lo Que le Dijiste 
ella no soporta tu humor 
como yo 

Estoy en mi cuarto 
es el tipico martes a la noche 
estoy escuchando el tipo de musica 
Que una ella no le gusta 
Nunca ella sabra tu historia 
como yo 

Ella EE.UU. Faldas Cortas 
yo Camisetas USO 
Ella es la capitana de las porristas 
y yo estoy en las gradas 
Soñando el dia En que Despiertes y encuentres 
ESO Qué estás buscando 
Eso que Estuvo aqui Todo el tiempo 

Si pudieras ver Que soy la Única 
Que Te Entiende 
Estuve Todo el tiempo 
then, ¿Por Que No Puedes ver? 
Debes Estar conmigo 
Debes Estar conmigo 

Caminando en las calles conmigo 
y tus pantalones viejos 
No puedo dejar de Pensar si ESTO deberia Ser asi 
Riendo En un banco del parque 
mi párr 
"¿Oye, Esto No Es tan fácil?" 
Tienes una Sonrisa Que podria iluminar Toda La Ciudad 
no lo he visto del tanto 
Una chica Porque lo alejo 
Dices Que estas bien, se que pudieras estar mejor 
"¿Oye, Qué estás haciendo con una chica, asi?" 

Ella EE.UU. zapatos de taco 
yo zapatillas de USO 
Ella es la capitana de las porristas 
y yo estoy en las gradas 
Soñando el dia En que Despiertes y encuentres 
ESO Qué estás buscando 
Eso que Estuvo here Todo el tiempo 

Si pudieras ver Que soy la Única 
Que Te Entiende 
Estuve Todo el tiempo 
then, ¿Por que No Puedes VER? 
Debes Estar conmigo 
Debes Estar conmigo 

De la empanada y esperando en tu puerta trasera 
TODO this Tiempo, Como No pudiste saberlo, bebe 
Debes Estar conmigo 
Debes Estar conmigo 

Oh, te recuerdo 
CUANDO conducias Hacia Mi Casa 
en el medio de la noche 
soy la unica Que Te Hace reir 
CUANDO sabes Que Estas A punto de llorar 
Se tus canciones Preferidas 
tu podrias que decirme tus sueños 
pienso Que Se Donde perteneces 
pienso Que es conmigo .. 

Si pudieras ver Que soy la unica 
Que Te Entiende 
¿Porqué No Puedes del lo ver? 
Debes Estar conmigo 

De la empanada y esperando en tu puerta trasera 
TODO this Tiempo, Como No pudiste saberlo, bebe 
Debes Estar conmigo 
Debes Estar conmigo 

Debes Estar conmigo 
¿Alguna Vez tiene Pensado que tal Vez 
Debes Estar conmigo? 
Debes Estar conmigo


Backdoor: porta del darrera

Pertenecer: pertànyer

Whole time: tot el temps

Cheer: alegria

Whatchu: mentides

dilluns, 16 de febrer del 2015


Valentine's day, was a magnificent day. I spent the day with the guy I love most. I had never thought that a day like the one of Sant Valentine, it would have been so romantic. Valentine, we took photos, and as my I like nonsense I began to sing. It was a spectacular day. As it was Carnival we disguise, and spent a wonderful afternoon. In the evening, when it was dark, I began to prepare a romantic dinner with my father. My father was preparing to my mother and I to my boyfriend.

divendres, 30 de gener del 2015


The October 27 my sister was born. She was worn the night. No wait for which be born. When was worn I was very happy. She was unexpected. No had wich be born, but arrive. when they told me wich arrive I started to cry, because I was excited. My mother was very happy and it was on of the best moments in my life, and was also his.

divendres, 16 de gener del 2015


Last night my friends and I went to see a movie. We chose a house in the village, was scary because it was very dark and noises were heard. We got to see a horror movie, and it was just at that moment, when we were making the film, we saw a shadow, and we didn't know where it went.
Us scared, and we didn't make, some marched because they not endured in that House, others stayed to watch the movie. The rest of the film is not heard nothing.
When we woke up we went to see what was that noise, it turned out to be the wind and a broom that was there, then take off that scare off and we went to our House.


Dear David,
How are you? I'm very happy to see you!:)
Next saturday we will go to  Barcelona. At 10:00 a.m we will travel by bus.
Fisrt, wee will see La Sagrada Família, second we will go shopping and  finally we will go to the airport.
Take care,

divendres, 9 de gener del 2015



1. I will improve the character.

2. I will study  in the maths. 

3. I will do more sport.

HOW (com?)

1. I will  keep calm.

2. Will Conference classes.

3. I will do after-school sports.

WHEN (quan?)

1. When I talk to my mother, 2 times a day.

2. Tuesday and Thursday from 17: 30 to 18: 30

3. Friday from 16: 00 to 18: 00

dijous, 8 de gener del 2015


She was 2 years old when we went to look for. The first sensation to look at her was a joy 

that right now I don't know about. Among the whole family decided to name it Laika. It is 

white and your by is curly, it looks like wool. It is a very good dog, don't bother nor call. 

Normally when you see someone who is not known to panic and go. Any time when it is

frightened by the night climbs up to my room and dorma with me. I try to spend as much 

time as possible with her. In the summer when I'm going to walk through it we go to the 


and we bathe together, and in the winter we go to my bedroom and play with the ball.

I love spending time with her.