divendres, 7 de novembre del 2014


 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The film is about five young people.Two of them are brothers, Sally and Franklin.
One day they traveled to Texas to see the grave of his grandfather.

On the way they found a hitchhiker. With a razor hitchhiker cut  Franklin on the arm and instantly the young people threw  him out of the van.

Later, as Kirk and Pam arrived   looked for a place to swim.

One the boys heard a generator and goes to investigate, but is attacked by Leatherface.

Pam realizes that Kirk does not return,  she  searches , but is captured by Leatherface.

The rest of the guys are worried so Jerry goes looking for them.

Jerry finds Pam but  is attacked by Leatherface.

At dusk Sally and Franklin seek Jerry.

But Leatherface kills Franklin. 
Sally escaped. 

After running he reached the gas station and asked for help.

But the owner brings a noose and a sack. Begins to beat her. Instantly he saw that they were brothers (hitchhiker  Leatherface and the  owner) 

When he woke up,  were trying to kill her.

She managed to escape.

They get to the road.Came a car. And sally climbed in the car. She was the only survivor.

This is a true story


When it first appears leatherface.

When he kills franklin

When they kill the hitchhiker.


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