divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014


Acording to this possible jobs I'd like to do in future ..

Musical: Singer, sound editor, music publisher
Interpersonal: Nurse, actor, psychologist
Verbal-Linguistic: Attorney, curator, journalist

 MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE is just what it appears to be. It’s the ability to use sound and make it work for you.
Guess which field of work people with a highly developed musical intelligence are likely to be found? You’ll find them singing, playing in orchestras, bands, writing music, advertising jingles, and so on.
These people know how to change the tone of their voice for effect, when speaking, or singing.
It also applies to those who can’t hold a note themselves, but know how to appreciate music.
Their sensitivity to sound will make them notice non-verbal sounds in the environment that others barely hear: the sounds of nature, the sound of a leaking tap, a buzzing fly, a bird, a lawn mower.
Discordant sounds in music make them cringe. They frequently have a song playing in their minds. They move with a rhythm and learn more easily by hearing a presentation than by reading the same material.
INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE is another familiar multiple intelligence which is easily recognized. People who do well in sales, politics, public speaking, the entertainment industry — all have a gift for handling people.
They may not know how they do it, but they have a highly developed sensitivity or insight into how people feel, and they can use that intelligence to manipulate, persuade, entertain, comfort, please, or control people in negative or positive ways.
This intelligence is found in very sociable people who are naturally skilled at working with groups or on teams.
LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE is the ability to use words and language with ease. These people think in words rather thanaa pictures. They appreciate the subtle shades of meaning among words. For example they would distinguish between spilling something – “intentionally”, “deliberately” or “on purpose”.
They also have a strong appreciation of the rhythms, and sound of words, and are fascinaated with the different ways they can use language to persuade, entertain, inform, comfort, motivate, manipulate or control others around them.

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