divendres, 19 de desembre del 2014


  A soft sell is an advertisement or campaign that uses a more subtle, casual, or friendly sales message.

Una venta suave es un anuncio o campaña que utiliza un mensaje de ventas más sutil, casual o amistoso.

In advertising, a hard sell is an advertisement or campaign that uses a more direct, forceful, and overt sales message. This approach works in opposition to a soft sell.

En la publicidad, difícil de creer es un anuncio o campaña que utiliza un mensaje de ventas más directo, contundente y abierto. Este enfoque funciona en oposición a una venta suave.

dijous, 18 de desembre del 2014


My favorite singer is Brian Hugh Warner being his stage name Marilyn Manson. It is 45 

years old, born in January 1969. He began to like me a month ago. I like it because their 

songs make me feel happiness and motivate me much when I'm sad.

He is active likes to do different things respect others likes to point out, and that's one of 

the things that I like most of it. Another thing that I like about it, is that you don't what 

they say others, the dress of women, gets high heels, your videos are quite extravagant, as 

it. He has his own style.

Apart from singer Brian is artist, writer and film director.

His kind of music is alternative Metal, Heavy metal, industrial Metal.

dijous, 11 de desembre del 2014


My best friend is Lorena. We know from first of ESO. For me is like a sister. Very nice is 

lively and strong, but above all has a big heart. She is part of my life because we're always 

together she is my environment, it's who often makes me smile, she is my best friend.

divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014



1-Who's the  director of this movie Psycho?

Your name is Alfred Hitchcock.

2-What type of characters did he often use in horror films?

A soft and unflappable hero, outlandish dangers, beautiful predatory women. 

3-What technique did he use with the camera?

This subjective technique: shooting from the killer's  point of view. 


1- What is the comic relief?

Comic relief usually means a releasing of emotional or other tension resulting from a comic episode interposed in the midst of serious or tragic elements in a drama

2-why is thi often used in horror films?

Sometimes comic relief characters will appear in fiction that is comic. This generally occurs when the work enters a dramatic moment, but the character continues to be comical regardless.

3- Do you remember laughing in horror films? can ypu think of an example?

William Shakespeare  deviated from the classical tradition and used comic relief in Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, The Merchant of Venice and Romeo and Juliet. The Porter scene in Macbeth,[2]the grave-digger scene in Hamlet and the gulling of Roderigo provide immense comic relief. The mockery of the fool in King Lear may also be regarded as a comic relief.[3]

In popular culture, the character of C-3PO, featured in all six Star Wars films, is also considered to be used as comic relief. He is often found criticizing the desperate situation the other characters find themselves in, or being rescued from predicaments by his counterpart R2-D2.

In the Mortal Kombat series, notably in the 2011 reboot game, Johnny Cage is often described as a comic relief, in which he is depicted as an actor who believes the Mortal Kombat tournament is a movie set, and often tries to impress Sonya Blade. Rain is also a joke character, since his attire is purple, and his name came from the Prince song "Purple Rain".

Many of Akira Kurosawa's films had a comic relief character, most notably of which in The Seven Samurai, with Kikuchiyo the drunken warrior who claims to be 13 years old, despite the obvious fact that he's too tall and has too much facial hair to be of that age.

The Power Rangers television series-most notably Mighty Morphin Power Rangers through Power Rangers in Space- features Bulk and Skull. They are classmates to Angel Grove High School's Power Rangers and sometimes bullies while also sometimes serving as assisting secondary characters. Eventually the two ceased to appear regularly on the show as it moved into a new era, though they would make occasional returns. Power Rangers Samurai would feature the return of Bulk along with Skull's son.

divendres, 7 de novembre del 2014


 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The film is about five young people.Two of them are brothers, Sally and Franklin.
One day they traveled to Texas to see the grave of his grandfather.

On the way they found a hitchhiker. With a razor hitchhiker cut  Franklin on the arm and instantly the young people threw  him out of the van.

Later, as Kirk and Pam arrived   looked for a place to swim.

One the boys heard a generator and goes to investigate, but is attacked by Leatherface.

Pam realizes that Kirk does not return,  she  searches , but is captured by Leatherface.

The rest of the guys are worried so Jerry goes looking for them.

Jerry finds Pam but  is attacked by Leatherface.

At dusk Sally and Franklin seek Jerry.

But Leatherface kills Franklin. 
Sally escaped. 

After running he reached the gas station and asked for help.

But the owner brings a noose and a sack. Begins to beat her. Instantly he saw that they were brothers (hitchhiker  Leatherface and the  owner) 

When he woke up,  were trying to kill her.

She managed to escape.

They get to the road.Came a car. And sally climbed in the car. She was the only survivor.

This is a true story


When it first appears leatherface.

When he kills franklin

When they kill the hitchhiker.



Who invented the G.N?
The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by Horace Walpole.

What was the first G.N?
 The Castle of Otranto.

When was it first published?

Was published in the year(1764).

Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list?
  • Moans
  •  Footsteps approaching
  • Crazed laughter 
  •  Doors suddenly slamming shut
  •  Clanking chains
  •  Sigh
  •  Wind
  •  Howls
  •  Eerie sounds
  • Lights in abandoned rooms 

divendres, 31 d’octubre del 2014



I'm at a party, but all I want to do is get home. And then I hear my mother's bell. I go to find her. She's alone. She's  not supposed to be alone. I run up to the house to find my dad. There's  something wrong. It doesn't feel safe. There's something evil in the house.

divendres, 17 d’octubre del 2014



 Careers & Hobbies: Law enforcement Soldier Medical Fields Trial Lawyer Team sports Outdoor activities Theather Debating


Five ideas: brimming with self-confidence.
 To jealousy of its consistent success in work and romance  always willing to compromise in the interests of getting a job done. When confrontations occurs, they sometimes react suddenly and violently, barking displeasure at offending subordinates.
 Being a natural motivator, their instinctive understanding of group dynamics serves them well in goal-oriented tasks.As bosses, wolves demand absolute loyalty and they provide the same allegiance to their employees. Their instinctive understanding of the chain of command makes wolves excellent soldiers or law enforcement officers.

divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014


Acording to this possible jobs I'd like to do in future ..

Musical: Singer, sound editor, music publisher
Interpersonal: Nurse, actor, psychologist
Verbal-Linguistic: Attorney, curator, journalist

 MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE is just what it appears to be. It’s the ability to use sound and make it work for you.
Guess which field of work people with a highly developed musical intelligence are likely to be found? You’ll find them singing, playing in orchestras, bands, writing music, advertising jingles, and so on.
These people know how to change the tone of their voice for effect, when speaking, or singing.
It also applies to those who can’t hold a note themselves, but know how to appreciate music.
Their sensitivity to sound will make them notice non-verbal sounds in the environment that others barely hear: the sounds of nature, the sound of a leaking tap, a buzzing fly, a bird, a lawn mower.
Discordant sounds in music make them cringe. They frequently have a song playing in their minds. They move with a rhythm and learn more easily by hearing a presentation than by reading the same material.
INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE is another familiar multiple intelligence which is easily recognized. People who do well in sales, politics, public speaking, the entertainment industry — all have a gift for handling people.
They may not know how they do it, but they have a highly developed sensitivity or insight into how people feel, and they can use that intelligence to manipulate, persuade, entertain, comfort, please, or control people in negative or positive ways.
This intelligence is found in very sociable people who are naturally skilled at working with groups or on teams.
LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE is the ability to use words and language with ease. These people think in words rather thanaa pictures. They appreciate the subtle shades of meaning among words. For example they would distinguish between spilling something – “intentionally”, “deliberately” or “on purpose”.
They also have a strong appreciation of the rhythms, and sound of words, and are fascinaated with the different ways they can use language to persuade, entertain, inform, comfort, motivate, manipulate or control others around them.

My hero


Hy my name is Gemma and I am going to tlak about my hero. Her name is Pilar and she have cancer. She is cheerful hrad-working and corageus. She is my hero because she have cancer and she go forward. She works in a shop. My aunt like to be with her nephews and with her grandchills, also go out and goto shopping. She don't like command and doens't like sad. This si my aunt a big woman.

dijous, 2 d’octubre del 2014


To go to a Marilyn Manson concert.


- My parents do not let me because he is extravagnat. And the journey and concert are very expensive.
-Travel is expensive and I have to wait 18 years.


-Behave. Working and Salving for the trip and the concert.
-Saving and try to go before 18 years. And above all patience.

dissabte, 20 de setembre del 2014


Go to the Angels.
Get the career that I have planned.
Try all foods in the world.
Throw me in parachute.
Having a mansion.
Having my own office of coroner.
Being a millionaire.
Travelling around the world.
Having a yacht.
Having a good physique forever.